Saturday, February 5, 2011


"The thought for today is SIMPLICITY.

To simplify is to invite  peacefulness into your life.

When we have lots of 'stuff' in our lives, it is hard to be peaceful.

Close your eyes and ask "How can I simplify my life, what can I let go of?"

"Live simply, so others can simply live." -Traditional Quaker guidance

If we dare let go of our possessions and the will to control and dominate, we will cultivate a deeper spirit of peace within us because we can accept the present moment as a gift.

By simplifying our lives, dropping less important activities and 'things', we allow more time for what matters most.


I will write down three ways I can simplify my life and put at least one of them into practice today.  

I will give away something I have not used in the past year."

-Quote from Unity North

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thoughts on a Backyard Garden

Sustainable Horticulture

Please click the link above in yellow highlight for a great site to an article called Wasted Yards To Mini-Farms!

I have to say that one of my favorite gardens was a small garden in the back yard. Using the methods from a book called

"Square Foot Gardening" 

by Mel Bartholomew

I was delighted to learn that 
you can indeed 
grow more food in less space! 

He teaches how to plant certain vegetables with other vegetables for shade, as well as, to act as a natural bug repellent - fascinating! It was also so easy to plant and only 5 minutes a day to maintain.  

Here in Georgia it is no problem to have a summer garden and a fall garden within walking distance of your back yard.  I grew everything organically, picked fresh, no driving to the store, standing in line, lugging groceries in and out, and think about the tremendous amount of money saved on organic groceries not to mention the satisfaction of growing the food yourself!

Honestly,  I think that some people are concerned about what "their neighbors might think" and personally I will confess to not only having a small 12 foot by 12 foot garden 


also 3 laying hens housed in a 
Chicken Tractor in that same yard :-)  

The Chicken Tractor was lovely, easily pushed to a fresh patch of grass in the yard every evening, there was no smell and very little noise. (avoid roosters)  The two dogs were a lot louder and messier.  

Neighbors who want to talk about something are going to find something to talk about and then again their question may be "can you help me plant one" or "if you have any extra fresh brown eggs I would love to take those off your hands for you!"  

Cheers to sustainable living close to home...... in our very own yards!