undermine my beliefs 40 hours a week in the workplace by surrounding myself in electrical currents with dozens of computers and lights while stuffed in off-gassing carpet-covered
walls called cubicles.
For instance.... My feet!
I was issued one set of these by my Creator forty-five years ago....
they are the only set that I will ever have
and they are half way used up now.
I love my feet though,
complete with one bunion
one recently broken toe....
most of all because......................
complete with one bunion
one recently broken toe....
most of all because......................
I use them for dancing......
...........and I no longer want to squish them into fancy pointy shoes to project a certain "professional image."
I love my skin and want to dress it in organic cottons...not man-made, chemical laden materials that give the "professional image."
Bottom line....I am very professional....but now I am also an educated consumer.
Bottom line....I am very professional....but now I am also an educated consumer.
This summer my feet want to breathe in my lovely new 'Bourne' sandals,
that match my new tie-dyed 100% organic cotton skirt and blouse
that smells like fresh air because I air dried it on my balcony.
No thank you sir, I am not interested in squishing into nylon pantie hose,
sweaty-hot, high heeled shoes, followed by some yucky-feeling
requires dry cleaning with toxic chemicals .
From this moment forward I just want to feel better myself....
breathe better and make better choices for my body
that are housed 50 hours in the work clothes and shoes I choose for myself.
I am a big girl now and I can decide how to dress modestly, professionally, in taste with clean, organic cottons that are a better choice for me and the environment.
I challenge anyone out there........does that make me less of a "professional"?
Absolutely not, it makes me a more comfortable , happy and healthy professional!
One recent temp job I worked for several weeks ....
I was no different than those poor caged chickens whose eggs we refuse to
buy from their growers!
Like the housed chickens ,
I too had a cage...
...................................it was called ................................my cubicle.
Like the owned chickens I was told when to eat and rest at the same hour each day.
Like the over-crowded chickens, I was squished with co-workers but instead of wire..... we had off-gassing, carpet-covered cubicles complete with electrical racing currents that housed my computer and a computer on each side of me.
Like those frazzled chickens I spent each day raceing around ......feeling over-crowded and stressed out!
Like the suffocated chickens who's eggs we do not buy .......I had no natural light or fresh air for those 40 hours a week.
The chickens have "growers" ..... the cubicle-bound employees have "employers."
Like those chickens.....I was there to lay the "golden company egg "each day.The environment sucked...the environmental stress-level alone was unacceptable and I was not happy a single day I was producing the golden egg.....over and over and over again for the employer who put a roof over my head and grain in my dish.
Today I have a new vision for my life.
A sustantial-living vision where I complete my purpose in life in a healthy environment, along side other happy, minimally-stressed out humans who can eat when hungry, see the sun, and have access to fresh air and clean water throughout their day.
(Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers and animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, ...www.sustainabletable.org/intro/whatis/ - 37k - )
Yes, today I choose to be like the farm-raised cattle
who live out their purpose in life happy, healthy and well taken care of with only
who live out their purpose in life happy, healthy and well taken care of with only
"one really bad day!"
I no longer choose to exist like a caged chicken!
Today I make the choices .....one meal at a time, one healthy choice at a time.....and definitely one lifestyle choice that consumes the carbon footprint of MY LIFE at 40 + hours a week.
Maybe it is a touch of mad cow disease gone happy?
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